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www.istockphoto.com © Figure8Photos & © Aldo Murillo

¿Qué es el estudio FemNAT-CD?

El trastorno de conducta tiene un impacto muy negativo en el individuo afectado, en sus familias y en la sociedad. A pesar que el número de mujeres que presentan conductas agresivas graves está creciendo, la mayoría de los estudios sobre trastorno de conducta se han centrado sólo en participantes masculinos. Por lo tanto, los objetivos principales del estudio FemNAT-CD son identificar los factores de riesgo ambientales, comorbilidades con otros  trastornos mentales, identificar otros procesos subyacentes (neuro) biológicos e identificar cambios en la estructura y función del cerebro de las niñas y chicas adolescentes con trastorno de conducta en comparación con niños y adolescentes con esta misma condición y con chicos con un desarrollo típico normal. También probaremos una nueva forma de terapia psicológica para el Trastorno de Conducta en un subgrupo de la muestra total. Pediremos a los niños y adolescentes de edades comprendidas entre 9 y 18 años y sus padres si quieren participar en las entrevistas clínicas y rellenar cuestionarios, realizar tareas informáticas y exploraciones de imagen cerebral. Estas tareas se dividirán en varias visitas y los participantes podrán abandonar el estudio en cualquier momento excepto en la sesión de la entrevista y la detección clínica inicial.

What is FemNAT-CD about?

Conduct disorder (CD) has a highly negative impact on the affected individual as well as on families and society. Although the number of females exhibiting serious aggressive behaviours is growing, the majority of studies on CD have focused on male subjects only. Therefore the key aims of FemNAT-CD are to identify environmental risk factors, related psychopathology, underlying (neuro-) biological processes, brain structure and function as well as psychological treatment options for female children and adolescents with CD compared to males and healthy youth. Tasks for female and male children and adolescents between 9 and 18 years and their parents will be clinical interviews and questionnaires, computer based exercises and MRI-tasks. These tasks are split up over several visits.
Why is FemNAT-CD relevant for schools:
Some children and adolescents show more irritable, aggressive or impulsive behaviour than others in their age group. They disobey rules and agreements, lie, steal or run away. Often they have problems and fights with friends, parents and teachers. These behaviours can occur at home as well as at school and can have a strong effect on scholastic achievement. If these behavioural patterns reach a point of clinical relevance, a diagnosis of CD would apply. CD is one of the major reasons for school dropout and affects approximately 15% of all adolescents in Europe. Girls and boys with CD have a higher risk of social exclusion and delinquency, and of developing psychiatric disorders in adulthood. This is not just a serious harm for children and adolescents with CD, but also has a significant influence on society. Given the frequency with which these behavioural patterns are observed first at school, it is especially important to work together with schools and teachers on this project.


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